The CEO of Peace Parks Foundation, Werner Myburgh, reveals his top five favourite films of 2021 from Peace Parks TV. Coming in at number 3 is this one. Werner chose this film because Nyika National Park is such a special place. Of global significance, the park is a conservation story that keeps unfolding. Working with the Government of Malawi, multiple innovative conservation programmes are seeing real success in Nyika National Park.

More about the film…

Set on the boundary between Malawi and Zambia the Nyika plateau is an important refuge area for unique species of both fauna and flora. It is home to the richest concentration of wild orchids in southern Africa, many of which are endemic to the region. Ancient stands of juniper forest are now protected and it is a common sight to see eland, roan antelope or zebra grazing the miombo bushland. These game species are vital to careful tourism development, which will eventually contribute to sustainable livelihoods for communities in Nyika as well as protect the wildlife for future generations.

Another success for Nyika was the re-introduction of 34 elephant to begin the slow fightback of elephant populations which have been decimated by poaching over the past few decades. Added to this, the now robust anti-poaching effort consists of specially trained rangers and a canine unit that are effectively protecting the wildlife here. Able to remove hundreds of snares every year, patrols enable animals to live and roam in safety.
But it is communities that remain at the heart of the future of Nyika. Those living around the park are able to harvest some renewable natural resources, such as thatching grass. They can also hang beehives within the park and harvest the honey. And, to further lessen their dependency on natural resources, 25% of the revenue generated by the park is shared with communities.