What if we could weave together the threads of conservation, community development, and resilience to create a peaceful space where both people and wildlife thrive? The transformative One Limpopo One Health programme is dedicated to doing just that by fostering harmony through sustainable and climate change-resilient development of the communities surrounding Limpopo National Park.

The One Limpopo One Health programme is made possible through generous funding from the French Development Agency (AFD), and a dynamic collaboration of partners from Mozambique’s National Administration for Conservation Areas (ANAC), Peace Parks Foundation, and Herding for Health (H4H) working hand-in-hand ensure the programme makes a lasting impact. It aims to uplift communities on the park’s boundary, improving their livelihoods while fostering sustainable resource management.

The ‘One Health’ approach recognises the intricate link between people, livestock, and the ecosystem. By weaving together these aspects, the programme empowers communities to lead healthier livelihoods while fostering the well-being of their livestock. The programme enhances the self-sustainability and resilience of the communities in the face of climate and socio-economic challenges and crucially empowers women to be at the forefront of driving it. By encouraging local communities to actively engage in the management of their natural resources, the programme is paving the way for a sustainable and prosperous future.

This PPTV episode takes you on a tour of the One Limpopo One Health sites together with the programme partners and a representative from AFD. The group visits a barrier fence, an essential measure that is being constructed to help manage interactions between communities and wildlife. They also experience irrigation schemes and Herding for Health sites that play a vital role in securing access to water, improving food security, and generating income. The group had the opportunity to engage with communities to further understand their challenges, the impact of the work already accomplished, and also explore new growth opportunities.

Join us in our commitment to nurture agriculture and livestock, sustainably manage natural resources, and uplift livelihoods to create a thriving landscape where nature and people flourish together. Visit peaceparks.org to witness the incredible initiatives that are reviving the beautiful Limpopo National Park.