In Mozambique’s Maputo National Park, the buffalo population has flourished. Today massive herds of these mighty beasts and other wildlife can be seen running over the grassy plains. This is thanks to dedicated conservation efforts from Mozambique’s Administration for Conservation Areas (ANAC) and Peace Parks Foundation, who have supported the reintroduction of 251 buffalo into the park since 2017.
None of this would be possible without the significant support from MozBio who has contributed to the conservation and rewilding of this remarkable area.
The Role Of Buffalo In The Landscape
Last year, ANAC and Peace Parks supported the translocation of 45 Cape buffalo from Tembe Elephant Park in South Africa to Maputo National Park. Not only does this help bolster the existing buffalo population in the park, but it also assists in creating a healthy landscape for other animals that depend on the grasslands.
As grazers, buffaloes specialise in eating tall, coarse grasses, which are often out of reach of the smaller grazers. As large herds of buffalo move across a landscape, they trim down the grasses and provide smaller animals with access to shorter grasses that are easier to digest.
Further to this, their sharp hooves help to aerate the soil and create better growing conditions for vegetation. These tiny holes in the ground help rain penetrate deeper into the soil and increase groundwater absorption.
Maputo’s Magic
As an area once devoid of wildlife, Maputo National Park has certainly come a long way and is now one of Mozambique’s flagship national parks. After all, there aren’t many other places in the world where one stands the chance of seeing two of the world’s largest mammals – elephants and whales – all in one day.
Peace Parks Foundation has been supporting the development of Maputo National Park since 2002 through infrastructure development, wildlife protection, translocations and counter-poaching training. Excitedly, this magical park is now bearing the fruits of the hard labour, with the new Membene Lodge having just opened its doors.
If this beautiful piece of paradise isn’t yet on your travel list, we strongly encourage you to jot it down and experience it yourself!