Sinkholes like these occur in areas underlain by dolomite rock, which makes the land prone to sudden collapse. A situation like this could have been disastrous for the zebra, but one of the rangers spotted the zebra and called on the contract workers nearby to help out. Working together as a team – digging and winching the young zebra out of the hole – meant that this lucky zebra was saved.

Penny English lives in the national park and she and her husband, Norman, work as part of the Counter-Poaching Unit alongside rangers for the benefit of the environment. Penny is the unit’s Admin Officer and will often answer calls about emergencies such as this one with the zebra.

Each and every animal is important to the future of wild areas such as this one in Nyika National Park. This is why there is a team dedicated to monitoring their welfare.

Set in Malawi, Nyika National Park is the country’s largest and oldest protected area, consisting of a large highland massif located on the country’s border with Zambia. When travelling from the entrance gate at the foot of the plateau towards the highest point in the park, it is remarkable to witness how the landscape changes from deep green forests to rolling grasslands boasting magnificent antelope. It is home to the world’s largest population of roan antelope, often seen grazing with zebra, eland and reedbuck.

Peace Parks Foundation has a long history with this landscape, dating back nearly two decades when, together with the governments of Malawi and Zambia, the Foundation started exploring the conservation benefits and commercial opportunities that a transboundary conservation area could offer to this region. In 2015, the Malawi-Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Area, of which Nyika National Park is an integral component, was established with the signing of a treaty by the two then Heads of State.