Wow! How time flies when you’re having fun? We cannot quite believe it ourselves, but today, Peace Parks TV turns 1 year old. It’s been an incredible year where the learning curves have been steep but the dedication of our contributors on the ground and passion from our audience at home, has been nothing short of inspiring!
So how did Peace Parks TV begin? Well, like many a story that unfolded in the year 2021…it started with COVID-19, and who would have ever thought that the onset of this pandemic would give life to a brand-new concept in the conservation space?
As the world shut down and life as we knew it came to a screeching halt, there seemed to be an ever-growing disconnect between humans and nature – and Peace Parks TV was one of the solutions to bridge that gap. The initial aim was to connect the viewer at home with Africa’s wild spaces, showcasing the brilliant work that the dedicated Peace Parks people on the ground were accomplishing. As the channel grew in numbers, so too did it grow in purpose, fast becoming a tool for education about Africa and conservation.
We are so incredibly thankful to everyone for sticking with us on this exciting Peace Parks Foundation venture. It is thanks to you that we have received a whopping 5 million views so far and reading your words of encouragement and support every day, leaves us so excited to bring new, epic content to your screens.
Lastly, Peace Parks TV would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of our staff on the ground, who take precious time out of their day to film these amazing clips, allowing us to get an insight into the work that they are doing on the ground.
So thank you to everyone for keeping us going – here’s to our next lap around the sun!