This week on PeaceParks.TV, we share the inspiring story of Elizabete Matsimbe, a professional herder whose resilience and determination have transformed her family’s future.

When Elizabete lost her husband – the family’s sole breadwinner – she was left without an income, pregnant, and caring for a young child.

Determined to provide for her family, she turned to Herding for Health, a partnership between Conservation International and Peace Parks Foundation, seeking training to take on her husband’s role.

Not only did Elizabete step up as the family’s provider, but she also insisted on continuing her husband’s work in the herding programme.

“I have dedicated myself to working, not just for myself but for our children. Now, I can afford their uniforms, notebooks, and they can go to school.”

With the skills and resources provided by Herding for Health, she became self-sufficient and now manages her own cattle while farming for her family and local trade.

“The poverty which caused so much suffering to me and my children is now over. I will never suffer like that again, nor will my children.” Elizabete shares. Herding for Health is transforming lives by supporting livelihoods while promoting biodiversity conservation through sustainable herding practices. Read more about Elizabete’s journey: