The ultimate objective of the Peace Parks Foundation is to reconnect and restore transboundary protected landscapes in southern Africa, currently focussing on five priority transfrontier conservation areas. Strengthening the resilience of communities living in transboundary areas is central to this goal as they are the ultimate custodians of the landscapes.
Peace Parks Foundation has supported the development of the Malawi-Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Area since 2003 and is the implementing agent for significant funding support received from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through KfW. Peace Parks also oversees the Malawi-Zambia TFCA Management Unit, which is responsible for the planning and implementation of related projects.
Together with the non-profit Total LandCare, in collaboration with communities and Malawi’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Peace Parks supports conservation agriculture programmes that promote sustainable livelihoods and strengthen the resilience of the communities surrounding Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve and Nyika National Park. Peace Parks Foundation’s Chief Development Officer, Lilian Spijkerman, and a delegation from KfW did a three-day tour visiting these communities to see for themselves how these conservation agriculture programmes are coming along.
PeaceParks.TV brought you the success story of Mr. Mbale’s growing small-scale farm after he was initially provided with access to good-quality seedlings and livestock as well as knowledge on farming practises, accessing markets, and doing trade. In this video, we join Lilian once again to get a peek at the impressive progress an all-female committee is making with their new nursery.
After observing the impact of other conservation agriculture farms in the region, like Mr. Mbale’s, and drawing inspiration from them, this all-female group decided to form their own farming committee to pursue a tree nursery. They realised that despite their own personal responsibilities in their village, tree planting was important and a good place to start to set the stage for incorporating further programmes that would improve their families’ livelihoods. Currently, the ladies are nursing more than 2,000 seedlings of four different types of trees!
The generous support of the EU and the German Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development makes programmes like this possible, and with continued support, more communities will be uplifted. Stay tuned to PeaceParks.TV to see these conservation agriculture programs bear fruit and grow tall in the Warm Heart of Africa.