Removing Illegal Fishing Nets

Simalaha’s river patrol team removes kilograms of illegal monofilament nets from the Zambezi.

What Is REDD+?

Following global concern for deforestation, REDD+ was designed to help reduce carbon emissions.

Coming Across Wells In Banhine

Antony identifies wells in Banhine that the local communities have dug during the drought.

A Cattle Puzzle

Antony meets with a Herding 4 Health team to discuss challenges caused by the recent drought.

Tackling Tasks In Banhine

Hannes and Antony fly to Banhine National Park where they tackle a list of important tasks.

The Benefits Of Cookstoves In Communities

A visit to a village in Simalaha to learn more about the cookstove programme.

How Do You Get Your Long Legs Into The Cockpit?

In today’s #AskHannes episode, all attention turns to Hannes’ long legs!

Learning About Herding 4 Health

Members from IKI are visiting Simalaha to learn more about the Herding 4 Health programme.

The Arrival Of The Annual Review

After many late nights, caffeine overdoses and relentless screen time, the Annual Review arrives.