Tech in the bush

Herman is on the road with Gordon to check out some of the tech equipment in use

Hanging in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi

This is the one of the perks of the job – enjoying incredible views over Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park…

Day 30 Daily Highlight

Impala caught on runway. Zinave brings back the predators and LoRa tech…

All in a day’s work

Not every day combating wildlife crime is action-packed. Today Phumlani is doing the very important job

Herman and LoRa make a great team

This LoRa equipment helps to collect and transmit data from anywhere sensors are placed.

Catching some down time

Rangers spend long, hard hours on patrol or in pursuit of those who prey on precious and vulnerable wildlife.

Seven hour patrol ends

Rangers patrol the Massingir Dam, inside Limpopo National Park, because it can be an access point for poachers.

Nice ‘n’ Easy

Landing a plane is one of the most challenging manoeuvres a pilot has to learn.

Almost back in the bush

Being a pilot for Peace Parks is not really a 9-5 job and it means spending days away in camps like this one.