14 June 2021 Mussels and tilapia create income Remember those fingerlings – baby fish – that were brought to Maputo Special Reserve a while ago…
13 June 2021 Sunset shave for Sean When the rangers are in camp they have to be pretty self-sufficient. No time to pop to the local hairdressers…
12 June 2021 Smoke fills the air Wildfires are an important part of maintaining a balanced ecological system. Fires like this can help the…
11 June 2021 Moving elephant cross-country It is all about collaboration and preparation when it comes to translocating elephant…
10 June 2021 Long, long walk to Mwandi All this produce is a result of an excellent harvest, but it’s 50km round trip on foot to the markets…
9 June 2021 30 treadle pumps Treadle pumps can literally change communities’ lives. Without these, the women have to carry heavy…
8 June 2021 Extra helicopter needed Something big is going down in Limpopo National Park today. Anti-poaching units are heading out on a…
7 June 2021 The story of a quiet revolution in sustainability in Africa Severe droughts are common in Zambia, leading to crop failure which devastates communities…
7 June 2021 Plentiful water for buffalo When a wildlife sanctuary was established in Simalaha this body of water was a shallow natural pan.