Mussels and tilapia create income

Remember those fingerlings – baby fish – that were brought to Maputo Special Reserve a while ago…

Sunset shave for Sean

When the rangers are in camp they have to be pretty self-sufficient. No time to pop to the local hairdressers…

Smoke fills the air

Wildfires are an important part of maintaining a balanced ecological system. Fires like this can help the…

Moving elephant cross-country

It is all about collaboration and preparation when it comes to translocating elephant…

Long, long walk to Mwandi

All this produce is a result of an excellent harvest, but it’s 50km round trip on foot to the markets…

30 treadle pumps

Treadle pumps can literally change communities’ lives. Without these, the women have to carry heavy…

Extra helicopter needed

Something big is going down in Limpopo National Park today. Anti-poaching units are heading out on a…

The story of a quiet revolution in sustainability in Africa

Severe droughts are common in Zambia, leading to crop failure which devastates communities…

Plentiful water for buffalo

When a wildlife sanctuary was established in Simalaha this body of water was a shallow natural pan.