New addition to team

It is full steam ahead as a brand-new twin-engined boat arrives for the marine protection team…

The awesome Cathy Dreyer

Recently appointed as head ranger for ranger services in Kruger National Park, Cathy Dreyer…

Crazy journey through wetland

Pieter Uys is one of Peace Parks’ filmmakers and, a little while ago, he was sent on a mission…

Toad and spider make home in tent

Peace Parks and partners are intent (like the pun!) on protecting, revitalising and reconnecting large…

On the ground with Zinave rangers

Tiaan and the Zinave rangers have set off at night on patrol to try to find, disturb and hopefully…

Tracking poachers in Zinave

This group of rangers in Zinave National Park has received information from an informer that a group…

Changemakers supports children, girls and wildlife

100 000 children – a whole generation – in and around the national parks Gonarezhou in Zimbabwe…

Fish River Canyon

The Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park spans some of the most arid and desert mountain scenery…

Marabou and Lilac Breasted Roller

Southern Africa is a haven for birdlife. Peace Parks and partners are involved in creating and protecting…