Alternative lifestyle choices going forward

Charcoaling decimates landscapes so Peace Parks strives to develop alternative economic solutions.

More lives set to change

Students will soon arrive at SA College for Tourism to learn skills needed for careers in tourism.

Bringing water and wealth of change

In the Simalaha Community Conservancy the Sesheke and Sekhute Chiefdoms…

Southern Africa’s frontline guardians

As we head in to 2022, the challenges facing southern Africa’s rangers…

Groundbreaking Tech Helps Save Rhino

CEO of Peace Parks Foundation reveals his top five Peace Parks TV films of 2021. Coming in at #2…

Crossing Rivers

CEO of Peace Parks Foundation reveals his top five Peace Parks TV films of 2021. Coming in at #4…

Donated Laptops Celebration

CEO of Peace Parks Foundation reveals his top five Peace Parks TV films of 2021. Coming in at #5…

Southern African Students Key to Future of Tourism

Passionate about lifting lifestyles through…

Tourism Brings Prosperity

Communities, transfrontier conservation areas and wildlife all benefit from tourism…