Stefan and Kelly visit communities around Maputo National Park to inform them of a new project.
Navigating Africa’s Border Posts
The Simalaha Community Conservancy team navigate one of southern Africa’s busiest border posts.
Communities Lead the Conservation Charge
The Simalaha Community Conservancy is taking matters into its own hands to protect its environment.
A Peace Parks End Of Year Workshop
At the end of 2022, the entire Peace Parks team gathered in Gordon’s Bay for a 2-day strategic workshop.
We’re Taking A Break
From everyone in the Peace Parks TV team, we wish you a great and safe festive season.
Fishing For Nets
Peace Parks’ CEO reveals his top five Peace Parks TV films of 2022. Coming in at number #5…
Super Stuck In The Mud
Zinave’s muddy runway leaves Hannes in a sticky situation after the recent rains.
The side we don’t see
Being a pilot involves a lot more work than just navigating aircraft through the skies. The less glamorous side, and one that most people don’t get to see, includes the continuous maintenance and repairs that these machines go through. To ensure the highest level of […]
An Unusual Translocation in Simalaha
It’s an early morning wake-up for Colin as he is partaking in an unusual translocation operation.