Sad news in Nyika national park

Rangers play a vital role in conservation management and protection here in Nyika…

Results are in!!

This year’s Wildlife Ranger Challenge saw 187 teams take part in this gruelling race – 21 kilometres…

Touring and talks for CEO of Peace Parks

In the business of rewilding Africa, so many countries, people and partners are involved that a lot of talking is…

Zinave river attracts the birds

The future of Zinave drastically changed in 2015 when a co-management agreement was signed with Peace…

So much in store for Mozambique

Dubbed the ‘Cradle of Humankind’ the famous fossil hominid sites of South Africa…

Giants in Zinave National Park

Known as the upside-down tree because its branches look like roots, the baobab is a…

Run With Rangers, At Home!

The Wildlife Ranger Challenge has one goal: to raise money to support the work…

East Star Radio has conservation role

In most of Africa, radio continues to be the primary means of mass-communication. It is a source of…

Weekend work in Mozambique

Saturday afternoon in front of the sport on TV? Not likely for the rangers and crew that make up…