5 August 2022 Conference Brings Africa’s Together Dr Soto presented Peace Park’s work at the IUCN’s first-ever Africa Protected Areas Congress.
1 August 2022 Running For Rhinos The story of why Bradley is running a marathon on every continent wearing a 12-kilogram rhino suit.
29 July 2022 Protecting Maputo National Park Sergio gives insight into some of the challenges, rewards and sacrifices that rangers face.
27 July 2022 From Mozambique To Sweden! Mira receives an award for her efforts to inspire children about wildlife protection.
26 July 2022 What it takes to be a ranger! Hélder is part of a highly skilled ranger team tasked to protect a newly introduced rhino herd.
25 July 2022 Onwards and Upwards For Careen Wildlife scout Careen never fails to inspire us with her passion and knowledge of her environment.
19 July 2022 Burning firebreaks in Simalaha How does burning land in protected areas contribute to conservation?
18 July 2022 Why It’s Important To Avoid Risk Peace Parks Head Office staff head to Durban to discuss and implement risk mitigation strategies.
6 July 2022 The Effects of Illegal Charcoaling Calvin and the team get an alert that there might be loggers operating illegally in Banhine National Park.