7 July 2021 Incredible work to save sea turtles Sea turtles are fascinating marine creatures that spend most of their lives in the ocean, coming ashore…
4 July 2021 Elephant translocation in action Lésa van Rooyen, the Communications Coordinator for Peace Parks Foundation, welcomes us to Elephant Week…
4 July 2021 Elephant vital to landscapes Elephant are vitally important in an ecosystem. They transport hundreds of tree seeds via their dung when they migrate which…
4 July 2021 Things you never knew about elephants Dr João Almeida is a wildlife veterinarian working in Mozambique. He talks about the incredible work he has been doing…
3 July 2021 Lots of logistics and a huge to-do list! The first critical step for such an operation is to get agreements from various authorities for both the removal of the elephants and…
3 July 2021 It is all in the detail There is a very important drugs component to any translocation. Different sized elephants require different…
3 July 2021 Translocation helps elephant Often elephant are the unintended victims of snares. One advantage of translocating elephant to well-managed …
2 July 2021 Success down to planning It takes a lot of manpower to plan and execute a successful translocation. It is especially complicated as often Peace Parks…
2 July 2021 Just how do you move elephants? The day before the elephants are located, the transport trucks start to mobilise. The trucks are huge with specially…