Maputo Office Staff Outing

The Peace Parks Maputo office staff get taken on a game drive through Maputo National Park.

Who’s Walking Who?

On a recent trip to Nyika, Kelly and Stefan get to walk Peace Parks’ furry four-legged colleagues!

Bumping Into Big Five

Rangers come across a herd of elephant who soon make it known that they’re in no mood for company.

Have You Seen Anything Amazing From The Air?

Hannes spills the beans about a spectacular sighting of wild dog hunting in Limpopo National Park.

The Benefit Of Buffalo

Simalaha scouts come across resident buffalo having a drink at their local watering hole.

Royal Treatment For Dogs In Nyika

Nyika’s canine unit gets more than they had bargained for as they follow a scent.

A Safe Arrival In Zinave

Today, history is made as 7 black rhinos will be released into Zinave National Park.

The long black rhino translocation begins!

Experienced wildlife vets get the green light to prepare the black rhinos for their journey to Zinave.

Meet The Rhino Guardian

Meet the wildlife guardian dedicating every waking minute to oversee these 7 animals’ wellbeing.