A Rewilding Success

Despite Simalaha not being in travel guides yet, this 180 000 hectares of land has a rich story to tell.

The Benefits Of Elephant Collaring

Two buffalo herds are tracked down in Banhine National Park for an important collaring mission.

Tracking Banhine’s Buffalo

Two buffalo herds are tracked down in Banhine National Park for an important collaring mission.

Rhinos Enjoying A Mud Bath

A crash of white rhino find refuge in a mud bath during the heat of the day in Zinave.

Whale Watching From The Air

As Hannes flies over Mozambique’s coastline, several whale pods can be seen in the waters below.

Maputo National Park’s Rewilding Successes

Maputo National Park’s wildlife translocation programme concludes today with this new eland herd.

The Return Of Eland In Zinave

Eland play an important role in different ecosystems by helping to shape the natural environment.

Navigating The Coexistence of Humans and Wildlife

A mega-herd of eland is being translocated to areas where they will have space to thrive.

An Eland Translocation Begins!

Experts are preparing to capture a herd of 95 eland during a recent translocation in Mozambique.