Rewilding is one of the most effective conservation initiatives that supports what Peace Parks Foundation and the Mozambique Government strives to achieve in restoring the country’s protected landscapes. To date, more than 15 000 animals have been moved into Maputo, Limpopo and Zinave national parks. This has seen the reintroduction of 21 different species, each with a unique role to play in rebalancing the ecosystems, mitigating climate change and contributing to the sustainability of these parks by stimulating the local economy and providing tourism opportunities.
Peace Parks works together with cooperating partners across southern Africa’s transfrontier conservation areas, bringing countries together to manage protected areas across international borders. We have been working alongside Mozambique’s National Administration for Conservation Areas (ANAC), to manage and protect Maputo, Limpopo and Zinave national parks.
Part of the management of these parks involves the facilitation and funding of animal translocations from other protected areas where effective conservation management has seen wildlife numbers flourish. The surplus animals are translocated to parks that have been left devoid of wildlife due to issues such as conflict, drought, and management capacity constraints. Now, with strong protection efforts in place, wildlife such as elephant, rhino, giraffe and many others are given the chance to once again thrive in these area.
Peace Parks Foundation’s CEO, Werner Myburgh, emphasises how important it is to look at nature as a whole and interconnected ecosystem that is not divided by artificial political boundaries. This will see ancient wildlife corridors to be re-established and allow for cross-border migration of animals which helps to maintain healthy and balanced ecosystems to support life on Earth. As animals move between different habitats and areas, they contribute to reforestation by acting as pollinators and seed dispersers.
It is important to think beyond borders in order to protect species and rewilding efforts in countries such as Mozambique ensure that these transfrontier conservation areas will not only contribute to the health of our planet, but the people living in these landscapes too.