The CEO of Peace Parks Foundation, Werner Myburgh, reveals his top five favourite films of 2021 from Peace Parks TV. Coming in at number 4 is this one. Werner chose it because it highlights the daily struggles and dangers that Peace Parks rangers face. After all, rangers and field staff take commutes like this one in their stride. Yet, it is difficult and dangerous to work in the wilderness of the bush. At the end of the day, lofty goals of conservation come down to the efforts of the people on the ground. This film is a small reminder that to ensure a healthy, vibrant world for all of us to enjoy tomorrow, many are working tirelessly on the ground with little or no recognition. It makes one appreciate how very special these people are, to take on the guardianship of nature in the reserves and parks.
More about the film…
Getting around southern Africa is not without adventure. Here, to cross the Limpopo River vehicles have to use a manually operated car-ferry that is constructed out of local materials. It takes a fair amount of manpower – one person punting, others at the front pulling and a few at the back pushing – but it works! It is the only way to cross the river at this point so it is vital for all kinds of conservation work. That evening there was a beautiful sunset thrown in for good measure. This kind of scene is everyday material for rangers, scouts and other that work in the field of conservation in southern Africa.